Jon stood and pulled her up to him. Reese ran her hands up his chest, pausing slightly when she felt his heart beating as erratically as her own. Keeping one hand on his chest, she slid the other up higher, into his hair. She rose up and touched her lips to his. Jon groaned, tilted his head and took the kiss deeper, teasing her tongue with his. Reese eased back from the kiss, her breath coming in short pants. Jon pulled her closer and she could feel his arousal pressing against her belly. He lowered his head and found her mouth again. He moved her hair and left a trail of light kisses across her jaw and down her neck, raising chill bumps on her flesh. He nuzzled by her ear, taking in the scent of her, musky and floral and all her. She tasted as great as she smelled. Before all rational thought left him, Jon pulled away and grabbed Reese’s hand. He led her out of the room and down the hall, pausing at the stairs. He turned to her “are you sure?” He wanted her and hadn’t been this turned on since he couldn’t remember, but he didn’t want to force her.
Reese mounted the first step, bringing herself eye to eye with him. She wanted him with every fiber of her being. She leaned in, nibbled on his lower lip before finally taking his mouth with hers. As she kissed him her hands worked the buttons on his shirt. As her hands ran across his chest and the silky hair she found there she pulled her mouth from his. “Please?” His breathing had become labored but he managed to nod his head before plundering her mouth. He helped her out of her top, never taking his eyes from her. “We’re not going to make it to a bed are we?” she asked as she slid his shirt off. “Don’t think so” he told her as he searched out the button on her pants. Her pants slid down as he released the zipper. She was standing before him in cream silk panties and matching bra. Jon wasn’t so far gone that he couldn’t stop and admire. “God, you’re beautiful” he told her before reaching around behind her. With one hand he released her bra and that joined the rest of her clothes somewhere on the stairs. Reese reached for him, finding the button and zipper straining on his jeans. She stroked him up and down before releasing the zipper and he thought he was going to ruin the moment.
He took her hand and brought it up to his lips, kissed it and then laid it on his chest. He undid his jeans and she helped him slide them off. All that stood between them now was a brief scrap of silk. Before Jon could reach out she started to slide them off herself. His hands joined hers and he helped her take them off, easing her back on the stairs so she wouldn’t fall. He kissed and nibbled up her legs as he made his way up her body and had her trembling with anticipation. With the first intimate touch of his tongue, Reese was lost. She was writhing under his skillful mouth. “Jon” she cried out, he looked up and he knew she was ready. He kissed his way up, running his tongue around the belly ring that he found quite sexy and then up and across both breasts before claiming her mouth with his. He nestled himself between her legs and gazed down on her, watching as he slid into her. He saw the ecstasy cross her features as he started to move. As he felt her tighten around him it was all he could do to keep himself in control. Jon moved in her once, twice more before giving her all he had.
They lay there, panting, trying to regain their senses. “Jon?” “Hmmm?” “You need to move.” Jon rolled off her and leaned back against the steps, propped on his elbows. Reese sat up and looked over at him, he held out his hand and she scooted closer to him. “You okay?” he whispered as he kissed her cheek. She turned her head and kissed him, “most definitely.” He chuckled and stood, bringing her with him. They collected their clothes and Jon led her upstairs to his room.
Reese woke the next morning more content than she could ever remember being. She looked over and found Jon watching her. “Morning” he smiled at her. “Morning yourself” she said as she stretched and groaned. She ached in places that she didn’t know could ache. “Wow” she sighed out. “Are you okay?” Jon was concerned. “I think the stairs did me in. I’m not as limber as I used to be I guess.” Jon laughed as he pulled her close. “You are quite limber as I recall” he reminded her as he nuzzled her neck. He kissed and nibbled lower, running his tongue around her nipple. “Mmmm” Reese sighed as he claimed it with his mouth. As his mouth continued its assault on her breasts, Jon’s hand traveled lower and found her warm and wet. Reese could feel him growing against her and she shifted to allow him the access he sought. He slid into her slowly, not moving right away. Jon looked down on her, her eyes not wavering from his. “I love you” he told her as he moved slowly in her. She moved with him, each bringing the other that ultimate satisfaction. As they lay there, recovering, savoring, Reese looked up at Jon, “I love you too” he pulled her close and hugged her tight.
The band was leaving the following week and on their last night together before he left, Jon and Reese spent the evening in her apartment. She wanted him to have a home cooked meal and some calm and quiet before the craziness of this aspect of his life kicked in. After they enjoyed a meal of baked pasta, garlic bread and salad, Jon filled their wine glasses and led Reese to the couch. “I’m going to miss you baby.” She smiled at him, “I’m going to miss you too.” Jon took her hand, “I have something for you, close your eyes.” She did as he asked and felt him put something in her hand. “Okay, go ahead and look.” She opened her eyes and looked down at her hand. It was an envelope. “What is it?” He smiled at her, “go ahead and open it.” Reese flipped the envelope over and broke the seal. Inside was all his tour information and an all access pass. She looked up at him, surprise and pleasure showing across her face. “You didn’t have to do this, thank you so much.” He moved and put his arm around her. “I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to. I want you to come see me whenever you can find the time.” She kissed him, “well I had planned on seeing you here in New York and then in New Jersey. I guess I will have to try to arrange for some more vacation time.” Jon was thrilled to hear her say that. “You just let me know and I will get you to me wherever I am.”
Reese set the envelope down on the table and turned her attention back to Jon, “right now” she said as she grabbed his hand and stood, “I want you to get me to the bedroom so I can thank you properly.” Without saying a word he scooped her up and headed down the hall.
Steph, sex on the stairs; WHEW! Very erotic. Great chapter. I'd take all my vacation time; maybe even an unpaid leave of absence! Thanks for letting me know about the new chapter; waiting anxiously for the next.
Yaaaayy, so happy I checked again. On the stairs, huh?! Outch, that should hurt, but it is erotic, like hathor said.
And an AAA-Pass, I wanna have one too, please :-D
Somehow I missed your announcement and didn't know you finished this. So for Ch 5 well, that was really hot and steamy! Got me going let me tell you!
Look forward to the next and now I don't have to wait! lol!
Hehehe, I knew it would be hot after that much foreplay and you certainly didn't disappoint me! But only two more chapters to go?
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