Two months into the tour they were playing in Washington, D.C. on a weekend that Reese had scheduled some time off so she decided to take in that show. She didn’t tell Jon she was coming to that show. She was just going to show up and surprise him. Reese made her arrangements, booking a room at the same hotel as the guys and arrived late morning the day of the show. She had even managed to find out his room number. Working for the record company, she could find out just about anything.
It was just past noon when Reese stepped off the elevator on Jon’s floor. As she headed down the hall to his room the door opened and Reese couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Jon was ushering a woman, who was still in the process of straightening her clothes, out of his room. Reese stood there wide-eyed and in total disbelief. As Jon was about to close the door he noticed her standing there in the hall. Reese turned and walked quickly back the way she had come, Jon was following her. “Reese!” She didn’t acknowledge him. She jabbed the button for the elevator and by the time Jon caught up the doors shut in his face. “Dammit!” he swore at himself as he walked back down the hall.
Reese spent the day in her room alternating between fuming and crying. “How could I have been so naïve as to believe he thought I was special” she thought. “How could he do that to me?” These thoughts and others ran through her head, making it throb with pain. Jon tried calling but she wouldn’t answer the phone. He came to her door but she didn’t answer. She was too upset with him. She didn’t even think she could look at him let alone talk to him rationally at this point. By the time she left to go to the show Reese had paced, cried and ranted off her rage. She was still mad, but mostly she was disappointed not only with Jon but with herself as well.
It was just past noon when Reese stepped off the elevator on Jon’s floor. As she headed down the hall to his room the door opened and Reese couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Jon was ushering a woman, who was still in the process of straightening her clothes, out of his room. Reese stood there wide-eyed and in total disbelief. As Jon was about to close the door he noticed her standing there in the hall. Reese turned and walked quickly back the way she had come, Jon was following her. “Reese!” She didn’t acknowledge him. She jabbed the button for the elevator and by the time Jon caught up the doors shut in his face. “Dammit!” he swore at himself as he walked back down the hall.
Reese spent the day in her room alternating between fuming and crying. “How could I have been so naïve as to believe he thought I was special” she thought. “How could he do that to me?” These thoughts and others ran through her head, making it throb with pain. Jon tried calling but she wouldn’t answer the phone. He came to her door but she didn’t answer. She was too upset with him. She didn’t even think she could look at him let alone talk to him rationally at this point. By the time she left to go to the show Reese had paced, cried and ranted off her rage. She was still mad, but mostly she was disappointed not only with Jon but with herself as well.
She went to the show but didn’t go backstage. Jon wondered if he would see her that night and when he didn’t he really couldn’t blame her. He wouldn’t have wanted to see him either. He had spent his day berating himself for his behavior the night before, venting to and then blaming Richie for the predicament he was in. After all, it was with Richie that he had gotten drunk and picked up the woman. He only hoped he could make things right with Reese.
They played well that night, but Jon knew it wasn’t their best and it was his fault. Normally, he could run through the show on autopilot, but his heart wasn’t in it that night. He had spied Reese down front and off to one side during the show. When they got to “Bed of Roses” he didn’t know if he would be able to get through the song. He needed to talk to her and try to make her understand what happened last night was not normal for him.
They played well that night, but Jon knew it wasn’t their best and it was his fault. Normally, he could run through the show on autopilot, but his heart wasn’t in it that night. He had spied Reese down front and off to one side during the show. When they got to “Bed of Roses” he didn’t know if he would be able to get through the song. He needed to talk to her and try to make her understand what happened last night was not normal for him.
Jon looked for her after the show but Reese had left for the hotel right after the encore, not waiting for the final bow. She stopped in the bar for a drink but left when the guys showed up. Jon saw her leave and was tempted to follow, but thought better of it. In her room Reese tried to sleep but couldn’t. Every time she closed her eyes all she saw was Jon and that woman. After tossing and turning for a while she got up and, still in her cami and pajama pants, she went downstairs. She wandered the lobby and spied the piano at one end. She went and sat down and started playing.
Jon wasn’t sleeping either. He paced his room, wondering if he should call Reese or go to her. He opted for the latter. He pulled on his jeans and a shirt and left his room. He knocked on her door and got no answer. “Come on Reese, please talk to me” he pleaded. He still got no answer. Dejectedly he headed toward the elevator. He didn’t want to go back to his room so he went downstairs. As he stepped off the elevator he heard piano music. It was achingly sad. Following the sound of it he was surprised to see Reese sitting at the piano. He had no idea she could play. Jon watched her, noticing the tears on her face. He didn’t want to interrupt so he stayed where he was. He inched closer as she wound down and as she played the last notes he approached her. “Reese?” She jumped at the sound of his voice. She opened her eyes and looked over at him. His heart ached at the pain he saw there, knowing he had caused it.
“What do you want?” she asked as she wiped at her eyes. She didn’t want to cry over him anymore. “Can we talk?” She sighed and turned sideways on the piano bench so she was sitting across the one end of it. Jon didn’t say anything for a minute. He was looking at her and wishing he could just take her in his arms and soothe away the pain. “Jon?” Her voice brought him out of his reverie. “I’m sorry Reese.” She looked up at him. She could see that his eyes were wet and he looked as miserable as she felt, but that didn’t excuse what he had done. He sounded sincere, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.
Jon wasn’t sleeping either. He paced his room, wondering if he should call Reese or go to her. He opted for the latter. He pulled on his jeans and a shirt and left his room. He knocked on her door and got no answer. “Come on Reese, please talk to me” he pleaded. He still got no answer. Dejectedly he headed toward the elevator. He didn’t want to go back to his room so he went downstairs. As he stepped off the elevator he heard piano music. It was achingly sad. Following the sound of it he was surprised to see Reese sitting at the piano. He had no idea she could play. Jon watched her, noticing the tears on her face. He didn’t want to interrupt so he stayed where he was. He inched closer as she wound down and as she played the last notes he approached her. “Reese?” She jumped at the sound of his voice. She opened her eyes and looked over at him. His heart ached at the pain he saw there, knowing he had caused it.
“What do you want?” she asked as she wiped at her eyes. She didn’t want to cry over him anymore. “Can we talk?” She sighed and turned sideways on the piano bench so she was sitting across the one end of it. Jon didn’t say anything for a minute. He was looking at her and wishing he could just take her in his arms and soothe away the pain. “Jon?” Her voice brought him out of his reverie. “I’m sorry Reese.” She looked up at him. She could see that his eyes were wet and he looked as miserable as she felt, but that didn’t excuse what he had done. He sounded sincere, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily.
Reese only had one question for him. It had been bouncing around in her head all day. It was the same one she had wanted to ask her ex-husband but she hadn’t had the courage. It was with a sad, broken voice that she asked “Why?” The quiet question hit Jon right in the gut. He dropped to his knees in front of her so they were eye to eye. “I have no excuses. Richie and I were drinking last night and got carried away. I was missing you something terrible, but that is no excuse for what I did. I can only tell you how sorry I am.” She wanted to believe him. When she didn’t say anything he took her hands in his. She didn’t pull away. He spoke to her again, his eyes not leaving her face. “I never meant to hurt you.” “Well you did” she pulled her hands from his and got up off the bench. She took a few steps away from him, not turning to look at him. Sighing, Jon stood and went to her.
Reese felt him come up behind her, but she didn’t turn around. He put his hands on her shoulders and when she started to talk he could hear the hurt in her voice. “I thought we had something Jon. I thought I was special to you. You told me you loved me.” Jon turned her to face him, “you are the best thing that has ever happened to me Reese. I do love you.” She turned to face him then. “Not enough. You know, this happened to me once before and I swore it would never happen again. How could I have been so wrong about you?” He flinched at her words, she may as well have slapped him for how harsh they were. Reese walked away from him, disappearing into the elevator and left him standing there by the piano.
Well I'm surprised I have to say at this turn of events. I am a little angry for Reese also. I mean for crying out loud he hasn't been with her very long, and only realized he loved her recently and told her so and then what does he do? He picks up some woman and has a one nite stand!I would be furious too and VERY hurt. I can understand her feelings. Plus her husband did it to her too.
Damn Jon! You need your ass kicked up to your shoulders!
Anyway great job Stephanie. I DO hope they work things out..
Good for her-he handled the whole situation badly in my opinion and doesn't deserve to be forgiven...at least not yet. He needs to demonstrate some real remorse and actually suffer some in order to learn sex is not casual, at least not to us. There, I got that off my chest-I feel better! Love this story!
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